A few Saturday's past, several members of our camera club got together to visit a member at his private membership club that surrounds several lakes in our area. No big fancy homes, just travel trailers, a few cabins, and some great habitat. He has always been able to get out at the right times and be at the right spot to capture some really great wildlife pictures. He takes some good natured ribbing because he just seems to have so many of the pictures that all the rest of us which we had, especially being so close to home. It is less than 15 minutes many of our homes. Green herons, no problem. Raccoon peaking out of a hole in the tree, just drive over to here. Bald Eagle perched on an old tree snag, just move around to this spot here. Warblers flitting amongst the lower trees, just drive to this road over there. Deer with antlers in velvet, just keep your eyes open along the tree line. You get the picture (he usually does, now it was our turn). Well, he made arrangements for us to visit one Saturday morning. After getting the pre-requisite guest passes, our road tour began to all the hot spots. We began to go around and visit all his favorite stops. Soon the ribbing really began towards him. They may be his hotspots but not on this day! I got a great shot of the old branch in the water where the green heron usually perches... without the heron. I didn't take the picture of the hole in the tree where the raccoon usually peaks out. No raccoon. No wild turkeys, no deer in velvet. We did see some warblers, but there was too much activity on the other side of the road for them to get too settled. We rambled through the wooded area around the lakes and had to agree, it is prime habitat for all sorts of wildlife. Like most times you have to be at the right place at the right time. That day wasn't our day.
Supposed Warbler Hangout |
We drove back to where his site is. Of course, the ribbing was heavily one-sided against him but by nature he enjoys it as much as giving so it was good fun. He and his wife had prepared a small lunch for everyone and then one of his exploits came to fruition. He has claimed that a Great Blue Heron will come and feed off his dock when he catches small fish and leaves them for it to grab. Naturally, we were hesitant to believe this one because of his track record for the day. No sooner than he had his pole out and was standing on the dock than this relative of the flying dinosaur came swooping in from nowhere landing near our group. Initially landing about 15 " away, as soon was the first fish was on the hook he was on the end of the dock. He knew as soon as the bobber was under water a fish was on. He was not intimidated by a human near him either as he was so fixated on the fish, it didn't matter about a two legged creature. No more ribbing, delivery on this brag had been confirmed! Sounds of the wind through the trees has been replaced with every shutter sound you could think of. Nikon, Canon, Sony, Pentax, Kodak. It was good fun and good pictures.
It was fun to go out with the group. Maybe we didn't get as many pictures as we wanted, but we got some good ones. An easy, laid back trip close to home is a good thing to include in your itinerary. You never know what will present itself.
Promise deliverd |
So remember not to pass up any chance and ....
Always go to the Light,